Decontaminating the blood from synthetic biology hydrogel with EDTA chelation

Decontaminating the blood from synthetic biology hydrogel with EDTA chelation

Decontaminating the blood from synthetic biology hydrogel with EDTA chelation

 – Live Blood Documentation



Image courtesy: Case 6. 1 week after treatment.

I often am heavily criticized for advocating for EDTA Chelation as a successful modality to clear the blood from this transhumanist assault. Since not many practitioners are doing it or even using Live Blood Analysis, they cannot verify my results. In my practice, many people come from out of town, they stay a few days and often there are many chronic problems to reverse. They want to know if what they did worked, so I show them in their blood. People come for Long Covid symptoms, concerns about shedding and often have tried many different approaches. I use Darkfield Live Blood microscopy to garner information, never to diagnose. It has been a useful tool to evaluate for the presence of abnormal structures, which I have found in everyone. 

I have advocated for the use of EDTA Chelation intravenously because I saw rapid and substantial changes in the blood. 

My practice is an anti-aging clinic, so I additionally use peptides like Epithalon, which lengthens telomeres and repairs DNA to help reverse the accelerated aging symptoms often seen these days. The Vitamin C infusions and Epithalon are not necessary to use for decontamination of the blood, but they significantly help improve symptoms. 

These structures in the blood, which I call Hydrogel/ Graphene, can be cleared effectively and rapidly. In this article, I want to show what I see in clinical practice. 

In addition to objective improvement of the blood, all patients had symptom improvement. 


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(Source:; April 4, 2023;