Artificial Ingredients Cause Wegmans to Pull Soda Brand Off Shelves

Artificial Ingredients Cause Wegmans to Pull Soda Brand Off Shelves

Wegmans has made the executive decision to pull their soda brand off shelves indefinitely after the products failed to meet the company’s, “food you feel good about” requirements.

This promise includes the removal of artificial colors, flavors and preservatives from their selection of Wegmans Brand Products.  

 Wegmans also released the following statement:

“As mentioned on the sign, we are discontinuing our Wegmans Brand Soda. Our Food You Feel Good About® banner stands for no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. We are discontinuing Wegmans Brand Soda because it contains artificial ingredients like aspartame and high fructose corn syrup. We are committed to our mission of helping customers live healthier, better lives through exceptional food, and we want you to feel confident in our Wegmans Brand products.”


Rochester First August 22, 2023

Source: Original Article

Publish Date: 2023-08-23 19:48:21