Amish officially declared ‘World’s Healthiest Children’ after rejecting Big Pharma Vaccines

Amish officially declared ‘World’s Healthiest Children’ after rejecting Big Pharma Vaccines

Amish officially declared ‘World’s Healthiest Children’ after rejecting Big Pharma Vaccines

 Fact checked

A major new investigation has found that Amish children are free from the chronic conditions that are affecting young children across the rest of the world.

Known for simple living, plain dress, traditional food, and Christian pacifism, the Amish are a group of traditionalist Christians who reject most modern technology and pharmaceuticals and work hard to maintain self-sufficient lives in their local communities.

The Amish cherish rural life, honesty, manual labor, humility, and “Gelassenheit,” which means submission to God’s will. They prioritize family time, nature, and face-to-face conversations whenever possible.


A study conducted by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) found that Covid death rates among Amish communities are an incredible 90 times lower than the rest of fully-vaxxed and boostered, mask-wearing and locked-down America.

Despite rejecting Big Pharma’s pills and potions, the Amish are officially the healthiest people in the nation. What is going on here and what can we learn from this? Watch:

Amish communities rejected Covid vaccines, refused to wear masks, and went about their normal daily activities while the rest of America was turned upside-down by Fauci, Gates and the plandemic gang.

According to the CDC and mainstream media, the Amish were set to suffer a huge increase in excess death due to Covid.

However, in reality, the exact opposite happened.


While mainstream America was suffering through the pandemic, the Amish returned to normal in May 2020.

Let me say that again. The Amish returned to normal in May 2020. That’s right, the Amish achieved herd immunity before the vaccines were even available.

The mainstream media will not touch this story because it completely dismantles the entire establishment narrative. It shows that all the COVID interventions were completely unnecessary.

The Amish didn’t do anything out of the ordinary to protect against getting COVID: no lockdowns, no vaccinations, no masks, no social distancing, no mandates, no school closures… nothing.

The Amish achieved herd immunity and protected the health of their families by doing the exact opposite of what the CDC recommended.

If members of the Amish community became sick, they used ivermectin, zinc, Vitamin D from sunlight and other methods that were demonized by the CDC and FDA.

Even if the vaccine worked and was safe, there was simply no reason for them to take the vaccine because 90% had already been infected in 2020. Taking a vaccine after you’ve already got natural immunity is nonsensical and counterproductive. However, in the US, we were told to get the vaccine even if we recovered from COVID. Many people lost their livelihoods if they did not comply.

Today, more than 3 years after the Amish rejected every aspect of the CDC’s advice, you still cannot find more than a handful of Amish anywhere in America who died from COVID.

Yet, mainstream America is still refusing to listen to the wisdom of the Amish, preferring to place their trust in Big Pharma and the mainstream media.

Western medicine has some good points, and can be great in an emergency, but it’s high time people understand that mainstream medicine, with its focus on drugs, radiation, vaccines, drugs and more drugs, is at its foundation a money spinning Rockefeller creation.

People these days look at you like a weirdo if you talk about the healing properties of plants or any other holistic practices. Much like anything else, politics and money have been used to warp people’s minds and encourage them to embrace what is bad for them.

It all began with John D. Rockefeller who was an oil magnate, robber baron, America’s first billionaire, and a natural-born monopolist.

In 1900, natural and herbal medicines were very popular in America. Almost half the doctors and medical colleges in the U.S. were practicing holistic medicine, using knowledge from Europe and Native Americans.

John D. Rockefeller laid the groundwork for the pharmaceutical industry to become a monster that wages war on natural cures

Rockefeller, the monopolist, had to figure out a way to get rid of his biggest competition. So he used the classic strategy of “problem-reaction-solution.” That is, create a problem and scare people, and then offer a (pre-planned) solution.

He went to his buddy Andrew Carnegie – another plutocrat who made his money from monopolizing the steel industry – who devised a scheme. From the prestigious Carnegie Foundation, they sent a man named Abraham Flexner to travel around the country and report on the status of medical colleges and hospitals around the country.

This led to the Flexner Report, which gave birth to the modern medicine as we know it.

Needless to say, the report talked about the need for revamping and centralizing our medical institutions. Based on this report, more than half of all medical colleges were soon closed.

Homeopathy and natural medicines were mocked and demonized; and doctors were even jailed.

To help with the transition and change the minds of other doctors and scientists, Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to colleges, hospitals and founded a philanthropic front group called “General Education Board”. This is the classic carrot and stick approach.

In a short time, medical colleges were all streamlined and homogenized. All the students were learning the same thing, and medicine was all about using patented drugs.

Scientists received huge grants to study how plants cured diseases, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective, and then recreate a similar chemical – but not identical – in the lab that could be patented.

A pill for an ill became the mantra for modern medicine.

More than a century later, mainstream America is still under the spell of Rockefeller’s Big Pharma fraud.

It is only brave people like the Amish who have the wisdom to reject the fearmongering of the elite and put their faith in the natural cures that have held them in good stead for generations.

Perhaps this is the reason mainstream society continues to demonize the Amish, and attempt to force them to join mainstream society, with all of its sickness, both physical and spiritual, and chronic conditions.

We have much to learn from the Amish and their rejection of the evils of this world.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.

By Baxter Dmitry

Writer at Your News Wire

Passionate about motor sports, military history and the truth, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one.

(Source:; March 15, 2024;