Achilles tendonitis remedies


Achilles Tendonitis treatment includes massage and icing, but natural remedies like Vitamin E oil and Castor Oil can help the pain associated with Achilles Tendon pain. Most common in runners, Achilles tendonitis is a condition that affects the band of tissue connecting the calf and the heel. When overworked, this tendon becomes strained and can cause significant discomfort. Most cases of Achilles tendonitis can be effectively treated using self-care strategies and home cures.

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

An overuse injury, Achilles tendonitis is characterized by tenderness and pain in the Achilles tendon. The pain associated with the condition often begins as a mild ache in the back of the leg that may progress to episodes of severe pain during excessive physical exertion. Tenderness and stiffness are also common, particularly in the morning.

Self-Care Remedies for Injuries to the Achilles Tendon

While Achilles tendonitis often causes subtle to intense pain, most cases can be treated at home. Methods of treatment range from self-massage to topical applications and supplements. Castor oil, vitamin E oil and turmeric are natural treatment options that relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Castor Oil

A plant-based oil, castor oil is used for treating a number of ailments. The oil is a triglyceride comprised of nearly 90 percent ricinoleic acid, an anti-inflammatory agent. As such, when applied to the site of pain, castor oil relieves pain and minimizes inflammation of the tendon.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is considered a fat-soluble antioxidant. As such, this nutritional substance removes any free radicals from the body that may be contributing to pain. The oil also supports circulatory function, which helps to relieve soreness and inflammation.


Turmeric is a common spice used for a variety of health purposes. The spice contains a chemical compound known as curcumin that serves as an anti-inflammatory. Turmeric can be taken as a supplement by mouth or mixed into a poultice and applied to the injury site to relieve pain, restore circulation and reduce swelling.

An injury typically caused by overuse, Achilles tendonitis typically responds well to self-care techniques and strategies. Resting the affected leg as well as massaging the area help stimulate blood flow to the area. Likewise, nutritional applications including castor oil, vitamin E oil, turmeric and others reduce inflammation and pain.

Castor Oil

Posted by Diane (Uniontown, Pa) on 05/31/2012

A few months ago, my husband had a tear in his achilles tendon. The podiatrist gave him some sort of splint to wear, even before the mri results came back, but it didn’t really seem to help. One evening, I rubbed some castor oil on the bottom of his foot and up the back of his leg. The pain subsided about 75%, and he healed very quickly from that point on.

Stiff Running Shoes

Posted by Mc (Madison, Wi) on 11/22/2014

I have struggled with Achilles tendonitis in first one heel and then the other. The trick for me was to switch from a soft soled running shoe to a stiffer one. The theory is that the food gets lazy in a soft, squishy shoe and a stiffer one makes the foot work harder, taking pressure off the Achilles tendon. I switched shoes last week and already I am having some relief. I also found that having too low a heel in my running shoes did not help.

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