Why Medical Cartel lights are always burning at 3AM
Another report to the Trump-Kennedy Commission
∙ Paid
(This is Part-14 in a series; for Part-13, click here.)
Dear Commission and Mr. Kennedy,
This one should be right up your alley, if you have the guts to take things far enough.
Medical researchers are overworked.
You see, they have to create cover stories for every sickness caused by corporations or governments. How? By giving those sicknesses MEDICAL LABELS. Thus creating a wall between the real perpetrators and the victims.
Here are just a few of the actual causes of illness and death that I’m talking about:
Industrial pollution of land, sea, and air. Toxic effects of vaccines and medical drugs. Toxic landfills. Toxic chemicals in processed foods. Fluorides. Chemical spills. Mind-body effects of fear porn about non-existent viruses.
OOPS. That last one may give you tremors, Mr. Kennedy, but yes, the issue of fake viruses is unavoidable.
To give you a clue about how the medical cartel manufactures medical labels for illness, we can take a look at so-called medical conditions for which the cause is listed as UNKNOWN, and the treatment either doesn’t exist or is deemed “experimental.”
Because, when you think about it, how can you claim you’ve found a legitimate unique medical condition when you have no cause? And when you have no reliable treatment?
If a researcher said, “I’ve discovered a new condition called ‘right side of the head pulsing headache,’ and I have no idea what causes it,” what makes him think this IS a unique medical condition with a uniform cause, rather than the effect of a number of different possible environmental impacts that need to be found and investigated and STOPPED?
So here is a list of some SO-CALLED medical conditions which researchers readily admit have UNKNOWN CAUSES and either no treatments or “experimental” treatments:
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