Vedic astrology report for July 2021


Mars plays a prominent role the first three weeks of July as it reaches total debility in the water sign of Cancer, and then transits through the transformational gandanta degrees between Cancer and Leo. Mars then moves to Leo, a more potent sign.  Jupiter retrograde will influence Mercury, Venus, and Mars this month and brings a more positive and creative influence.

Jupiter, the great benefic planet, has been retrograde in the fixed sign of Aquarius since June 20, 2021, and will continue in retrograde motion until October 17, 2021. Jupiter retrograde means Jupiter is influencing us in a more internal way for these four months. This can bring deeper, spiritual insights and inner expansion. Prosperity is felt more internally. Meditation is helpful and can produce profound results.

Mercury, planet of communications and the intellect, transits its own sign of Gemini beginning July 7 until July 25, 2021. Mercury in Gemini emphasizes education, business, writing, and creativity. This is a good transit to go to school and learn something new. While in Gemini, Mercury will be aspected by retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius, with the exact contact occurring at 7 degrees on July 12, 2021. Jupiter and Mercury connection brings a thirst for knowledge and ability to think in a more expansive way. These two planets also bring the desire for travel, especially to places that inspire and educate. We also want to connect and share more intimately with others.

Venus, planet of relationship, healing, the arts, and finance, begins its transit through the fixed sign of Leo from July 16 until August 10, 2021. Venus in the fixed sign of Leo is playful, loyal, and generous. We want to tap into our creative flow now. But Venus in Leo can also be a bit self-indulgent and dramatic. Moderation with finances and spending is recommended.

Venus in Leo will be opposed by Jupiter in Aquarius, with the exact opposition occurring at 6 degrees on July 21, 2021. Venus and Jupiter are two “teacher” planets and are natural benefics, so they generally have good intentions and product positive results. Education, teaching, and artistic expression are accentuated. The combination of Jupiter and Venus also carries a humanitarian flavor, so donating your time to worthy causes is a positive expression. Jupiter, a spiritual planet, influencing Venus, the planet of love, amplifies the belief in the power of generosity, compassion, and kindness.

Mars, planet of energy and action, has been transiting Cancer, its weakest sign, since June 1, 2021. On July 17 and 18, 2021, Mars will be at 28 degrees Cancer, its degree of total debility, and so we can feel less energy or become more conflictual around this time. Watch for increased frustrations. Practice patience and non-reactivity, and try to not be overly defensive. We may also feel that our actions just don’t produce the results we expected and we are disappointed.

On July 20, 2021, Mars finally leaves its challenging sign of Cancer and moves into the powerful sign of Leo until September 5, 2021. However, from July 19 to July 22, Mars transits the sensitive gandanta degrees of 29 Cancer to 0 Leo, the cusp between a water and sign, and we experience an opening to transform old habits or patterns related to Mars energies.  So let’s rise to a new level of understanding of how we use our power, emotions, and energies – to dominate and control, or to inspire and help others.

When Mars fully moves into the fire sign of Leo, we feel more courage and strength, and act with greater self-discipline. Mars in Leo will now be opposed by retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius, and this is helpful and uplifting for Mars. We are motivated to assert our inner, spiritual beliefs. The exact opposition is at 5 degrees on July 29, 2021. Mars in Leo generates positive energy to accomplish our goals with greater focus, enthusiasm and determination.

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