The US Army is having a hard time recruiting. Now it’s asking soldiers dismissed for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine to come back

The US Army is having a hard time recruiting. Now it's asking soldiers dismissed for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine to come back

The US Army is having a hard time recruiting. Now it’s asking soldiers dismissed for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine to come back

In a total reversal of its policies only a year ago, the U.S. Army is asking soldiers who were kicked out for refusing COVID vaccines to come back.

This, coupled with the fact that the percentage of young Americans who are physically fit and mentally prepared enough to join the military has been shrinking over time and is now at about 23% of people between the ages of 18 and 24, has caused the Army to miss its recruiting goal by 25%.

In real numbers that equals about 15,000 soldiers, and in desperation to help make it up, the Army has sent out 1,900 letters to the dismissed troops, reminding them that the vaccine mandates were rescinded in January 2023. Soldiers who want to come back can contact a recruiter to join back up, plus ask for “a correction” to their military record.

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By Kenneth Niemeyer

(Source:; November 20, 2023;