The Transgender Medical Industrial Complex; you thought it was something else?

The Transgender Medical Industrial Complex; you thought it was something else?

The Transgender Medical Industrial Complex; you thought it was something else?

 I urge you to read this Matt Walsh investigation of the Trans Complex:

“Matt Walsh Exposes the Medical Malpractice Industry Behind Butchering the Genitals of Transgender People”

It follows the pattern of so many medical crimes.

You create a system for diagnosis, treatment, and insurance payments. You set up centers and departments in hospitals. You hire staff. You market. You expand.

About 2 years ago, I reported on a study in a chain of NY State hospitals, where COVID patients (fake diagnosis, no virus to begin with) were put on ventilators and serious sedation. For patients over the age of 65, the death rate after the treatment was initiated was 97.2 percent. In case you don’t get it, this is mass murder.

But it’s an industry. Which means it has momentum.

In his investigation of the Trans Industry, Matt Walsh points out that patients who want the mutilation surgery have to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria. If they aren’t, insurance companies won’t cover the operation. But the psychiatric definition of gender dysphoria (bogus diagnosis, no physical test) requires a person to experience problems for 6 months before the (fake) diagnosis is considered acceptable. The Trans industry may ignore that requirement. It’s counter-productive. For business.

Make no mistake about it, behind all the bullshit propaganda about transgender “issues” and the need to celebrate people who opt for surgical destruction, the MEDICAL apparatus is humming along, racking up $$$.

Here’s an analogy. A man is diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. The worst stage. In the hospital, he’s told he needs chemo and surgery. Right now. He declines. He says he wants to think it over. He wants to go home and make his decision there.

The hospital personnel know this is a dangerous course of action. For them. As in: losing a potential customer.

So they send in an enforcer…

By Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

(Source:; June 19, 2023;