The Fake Antivaxxer Victory, Part 1

The Fake Antivaxxer Victory, Part 1

The Fake Antivaxxer Victory, Part 1

 The Legal Floodgates Open for Adulterated COVID-19 Vaccines


23 OCT 2023

Other Vaccine Wars articles can be found here. The RTE Locals community is here.

Steve Kirsch just made an evocative announcement to more than a million people and bots on Twitter-X.

The declaration has been viewed by millions of people, and Steve is the hero messenger, riding along with Malone on a cloned white horse. Woohoo!

I certainly hope that people who are injured by vaccines have the right to sue. Protection from indemnity was always a terrible idea. There are those who argue that such “trading flesh for flesh” is justified in a utilitarian sort of way, an argument I believe to be generally flawed—but that’s not the primary point of this article. Even if I were to buy that argument in a particular instance, I think that a system of payments, however that occurs, that channels cash payments to those who take the hit, is reasonable. It could even happen without most of the expenses associated with the courts. But legal methods are necessary where good systems have not been worked out.

Steve goes on.

Here is the Michigan case that sets the precedent for the removal of indemnity afforded corporations via the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act. The PREP Act is the result of a DoD appropriations bill pushed by now-infamous pedophile Denny Hastert, which already raises my eyebrows.

I have previously interviewed Warner Mendenhall, and recently connected him with a technologist who might have worked out a solution to the distributed group of lawyers for information documentation, organization, and sharing. I hope that the lawyers can help people who deserve to be helped, and punish people who deserve to be punished. I am not yet certain what I believe the best plan and execution of that mission should be, so I’ll save that discussion for another day.

For now, I’ll skip past any technical discussion of the SV40 promoter found in the plasmid contamination. The specifics are certainly concerning given that SV40 can act as a cancer promoter (probably on a portion of the population according to epigenetic forces). But the presence of this contaminant deserves its own conversation.

Is SV40 responsible for some or all of the injuries associated with the vaccines?

This is where things begin to get complicated. It will be a highly challenging task to tease out the variables regarding which vaccine ingredients cause what damage. There are problems associated with the lipid nanoparticles, the mRNA itself, the plasmid contaminants (I’ll assume McKernan’s work is solid on this observation), the bolus (as per Marc Girardot’s theory), or something else. Throw in observations about changes in manufacturing process and proportions of ingredients, and you’ve got a hell of a statistical problem to solve. I would be personally skeptical if anyone claimed a model that solved it down to a single set of differential equations.

I have very real worries that court cases could be steered, accidentally or intentionally, toward wrong answers, and those wrong answers could program the future acceptance or regulation of biological therapies, including mRNA transfection technology.

Right now many people are thinking, “Hoorah, hoorah, we’re going to destroy that nasty, evil corporation!” 

Of course, I’m right there with those who recognize that there is enormous evil in the corporate system. And yet, it’s not clear to me that demolishing Pfizer and Moderna will solve the problem. Let’s begin the necessary conversation.

Controlled Demolition of a Dying Pharma Industry?

None of this feels natural to me, and I’m not alone.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.

(Source:; October 23, 2023;