The Death of the Ministry of Truth — What Will They Do Next?We’re living in an upside-down reality, where up is down and left is right, and truth tellers are lying and liars are telling the truth. But now, pants are on fire as the Biden administration’s Ministry of Truth has been put on hold, and its…

The Death of the Ministry of Truth — What Will They Do Next?We're living in an upside-down reality, where up is down and left is right, and truth tellers are lying and liars are telling the truth. But now, pants are on fire as the Biden administration's Ministry of Truth has been put on hold, and its...

The Death of the Ministry of Truth — What Will They Do Next?We’re living in an upside-down reality, where up is down and left is right, and truth tellers are lying and liars are telling the truth. But now, pants are on fire as the Biden administration’s Ministry of Truth has been put on hold, and its…

Source: Original Article

Publish Date: 2022-06-09 03:33:24