Six ways to show the world is in cognitive dissonance

Six ways to show the world is in cognitive dissonance

Six ways to show the world is in cognitive dissonance

Followers of the alternative media’s more truthful and unbiased reporting will indeed know that we’re getting a better idea of what’s going on in the world unlike the vast majority who only see the viewpoint of the mainstream media. Consequently, many are in cognitive dissonance.

Given that the mainstream media acts as a vehicle for so much propaganda, lies and deception and the vast majority blindly accept what it says, paying scant attention to the contradictory evidence, this leads many into a state of cognitive dissonance when challenged with the truth while defending the mainstream media’s official version.

With the masses not getting the big ‘hey wait a minute’ moment of realization accepting things that are in truth majorly not right, here are my 6 ways of showing that the world is therefore in a state of cognitive dissonance or even denial. 

  • Going into agreement with the general consensus of the masses – Cognitive Dissonance?

People blindly go into agreement with the general consensus of the masses because they find it hard to accept that so many can be wrong about the same thing… Can they all be wrong? -Yes of course they can. But then there’s the related peer pressure to agree and fall in line and be one of the crowd…

-But remember, the general consensus of the masses have given us football hooligans and other rabble rousers…

  • Blindly believing authorities

The whole fabric of our reality has been shaped by accepting authority figures from the very beginning starting with our parents and teachers…

Because this deep programming carries on in adulthood that’s why so many people readily accept authority figures (such as those so-called expert academics and senior politicians… etc) regardless of what they say, even when glaringly obvious contradiction stares them in the face.

-1 and 2 (above) are the underlying tenets for cognitive dissonance. When challenged with regards to 1and 2 they would also be the underlying reasons for denial.

  • 3. Accepting ‘coincidences’ commonly occurs with those in cognitive dissonance or denial

In effect the masses dismiss the conspiracies by accepting the coincidences.

The 911 ‘coincidence’

Indeed, you only have to look at 911 to see how people accept those so-called coincidences to believe the official version leading to so many disharmonies…

The bloodlines of the US Presidents ‘coincidence’

How anybody can dismiss the conspiracies related to the fact that so many of the US Presidents are related using mere coincidence as an explanation beggars belief…

The Moon and the total eclipse ‘coincidence’

Another example of dismissing something without question is in the case of the moon and the total eclipse.

The moon is exactly 1/400th the sun’s size and is 400 moon diameters away from the sun. That’s why we see a total eclipse from our view on planet Earth with the moon in front of the sun. The fact that this relationship is considered mere coincidence, flatly dismissing suggestions outside of this leads to outright denial…  

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.

By Paul A Philips

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Over the years I have come to the firm conclusion that just about every subject under the sun needs redefining using more truthful, honest and integral approaches in theory and practice, hence the name ‘New Paradigm’

-From these new approaches a ‘new era’ in humanity can result.

What could you bring into existence, into being and share with the world that could contribute to transforming humanity in the above way? For example, maybe there’s an area of knowledge with practical applications you could share? So this website invites you to join me in becoming one of a team of co creators by getting involved in some way.

Using me as an example, my subject for some years has been health. I graduated at the School of ‘Biological Sciences’, which included biochemistry, physiology and nutrition… I later worked in a range of related research & development labs…

After watching some close friends and relatives’ die of various illnesses, I learnt that the way in which the medical / pharmaceutical establishment treated diseases was not the only approach. I then got round to writing what I considered to be the truth in health matters: That unknown to many people, there are cheap, natural and non-toxic ways of treating illness. This includes nutrition, exercise, focussing on one’s outlook on life (attitude, thoughts, feelings, emotions, healing intention…) and avoiding environmental toxins. These related powerful approaches can be far, far more successful and, unlike the medical/pharmaceutical model, are capable of curing…

In my rally for the truth, it has been my intent to have people profoundly realise that through my work (and others) and applying the alternative approaches, your health can be totally in your hands!

Whether it’s for health or any other subject with alternative approaches, in the name of freedom I strongly suggest you to get active in making the truth known to others. I consider that we owe it to our friends and relatives (and anybody else for that matter) to also get them educated to make informed choices, don’t you?

(Source:; March 16, 2024;