Power grid failures, cyber attacks & food shortages, oh my!


 – Derrick Broze Interview

Joining me today is Derrick Broze, here to discuss his recent article about the impending doom that is the coming “Cyber Pandemic”, or so our government is incessantly telling us, and how that claim seems to work perfectly to justify the current push for The Great Reset. Derrick goes over how there are many perspectives on this topic, and how our history as a nation is rife with examples of what one might see as “foreknowledge” of subsequent events, yet another might see as simply the expected due diligence of the government. The point, overall, is to ask questions, to be skeptical, and never take the government narrative at face value, because this government’s own history demonstrates just how capable and willing it is to deceive the American people.

(*Editor’s Note: Apologies for the lesser audio quality on my end, new location being set up for future use, won’t happen again)


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