Newly Found Brain Cell Could Mitigate Alzheimer’s Effects

Newly Found Brain Cell Could Mitigate Alzheimer's Effects

A new type of brain cell shows promising influence against diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Researchers say this “hybrid cell” could open optimistic routes for potential treatments for such conditions.

What makes this “hybrid cell” interesting is that its anatomy consists of a combination of neurons and glial cells called astrocytes. Roberta de Ceglia, first author of the study, said these cells control the level of communication and excitation of the neurons that affect memory consolidation and potential therapeutic targets for Parkinson’s.  

The discovery holds promise for the future of fighting Alzheimer’s in that researchers “have a new kind of cell at hand … [that] … opens up immense research prospects” for exploring memory impairment as well as other Alzheimer’s-related questions, codirector of the study, Andrea Volterra said.


SciTechDaily September 7, 2023

Source: Original Article

Publish Date: 2023-09-07 23:33:19