New Podcast: Trump’s a liar, Kennedy’s a liar

New Podcast: Trump’s a liar, Kennedy’s a liar

New Podcast: Trump’s a liar, Kennedy’s a liar

 We already know about demented Biden


Hours after I recorded this podcast, Iran sent missiles and drones to attack Israel. So I’ve added a prologue to the podcast, with my observations so far—a few key points to keep in mind in the coming weeks and months. And one MAJOR point that goes all the way back to the formation of the State of Israel in 1948. We are surely dealing with a Cult of Destruction…

THIS PODCAST IS: NO HOLDS BARRED. I’m taking the gloves off. No apologies, no making excuses for these two men.

I’m crashing the party.

I’m going to blow the cover off both Trump and Kennedy, in detail.

Listen now

Trump has always lied—his version of his Presidency omits the fact that he torpedoed the whole country during COVID. And the disastrous effects are still very much with us.

Kennedy’s lies are less bold, but they, too, amount to a sell-out of the Constitution.

In this podcast, I’m going to make the case that neither man should be anywhere near the Presidency.

I’ll also have a few things to say about the future of DeSantis.

Big-time conservative websites are lying through their teeth—trying to rewrite Trump’s history and character—and deceiving their readers in the process. It’s unconscionable.

I’ll paint a detailed picture of what our political process and Republic SHOULD BE—and how Trump and Kennedy are too absorbed in fantasy to deliver what we need.

They’re so deep in fantasy, nobody can dig them out.

Both men are avoiding the truth in their own ways. I’ll describe and explain EXACTLY how they’re cheating us of our heritage as Americans.

If you’re thinking, “Then what do we do about the Presidency, who should I vote for?” I’ll answer the question and show you how Trump and Kennedy should be supplying THAT SAME answer—but they aren’t. And never will.

Because they’re both career politicians—meaning liars. Kennedy is a more recent addition to that profession. So he should know better. But he doesn’t.

I’m making strong accusations against these two men. I’ll back up my charges with facts.

And I’ll explain why national politicians have to keep lying—and how, if they stopped, the public would we begin to see the light.

The light is naturally there. Always.

Finally, I’ll explain how one state with TRUE medical freedom could start a wave that would turn this country around. THAT’S the kind of light I’m talking about.

Join me in this vital podcast.

— Jon Rappoport

(Rappoport Podcasts, Episode 064)

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(Source:; April 15, 2024;