New Podcast: The elite power behind the Woke Throne

New Podcast: The elite power behind the Woke Throne

New Podcast: The elite power behind the Woke Throne

New Podcast: The Elite Power Behind The Woke Throne

Where the money and the control are really coming from


Jon Rappoport

25 Apr 2023

If you haven’t already subscribed to my Substack, subscribe now and listen to this two-part podcast (links below). The yearly cost is only $60, the price of a few eggs and a cab ride uptown. You get access to all my podcasts and premium articles. And, becoming a yearly subscriber, specifically, unlocks extra benefits; to learn more about that, click here.


Why would companies like Nike and Anheuser-Busch suddenly hire a bizarre transvestite/transsexual as an icon for their products and risk heavy pushback from customers?

That question is the surface of a gigantic story.

In this two-part podcast (here and here), I’ll blow the cover off the elite structure that is forcing corporations to support Leftist woke causes or face ruination.

This is a giant operation, with a handful of puzzle-pieces. I’ll put the pieces together for you.

On one level, billions of dollars are at stake. At a higher level, it’s likely the controllers have trillions at their disposal. I’ll give you the details.

Ultimately, the scenario flows into:

A terrorist whose group set off a bomb in the Capitol Building in 1983, and who, much later, became a major fundraiser for Black Lives Matter;

The Black Lives Matter shakedown of America; $80 BILLION for BLM and associated Leftist causes;

Social credit scores for CORPORATIONS;

Titanic investment funds;

Elite socialism;

The capture of the economy;


Medical fascism;

And Huxley’s Brave New World.

I’ll touch all the bases.

Join me in this jumbo podcast (here and here)! As always, I won’t bore you. Many of you know I’m not a proponent of dry analysis in a parched desert. At the same time, I’m not a vaudeville novelty act. I’m for insights with JUICE attached. I’ll give you everything I’ve got.

— Jon Rappoport

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(Source:; April 25, 2023;