New data shows that vaccine hesitancy among parents has grown significantly since COVID
A new Angus Reid poll conducted at the end of last month suggests the number of parents opposed to vaccinating their children has grown significantly over the last five years in Canada.
One of the main discussions at the World Health Organization’s Global Vaccine Safety Summit in 2019 was about vaccine hesitancy.
Experts at the conference emphasized that not only are citizens around the world becoming more hesitant to vaccinations, but so are doctors, other health professionals and scientists.
In fact, the WHO listed vaccine hesitancy as one of the biggest threats to global health security.
This fact was emphasized at the conference by Professor Heidi Larson, the Director at the Vaccine Confidence Project.
“The other thing that’s a trend, and an issue, is not just confidence in providers but confidence of health care providers, we have a very wobbly health professional frontline that is starting to question vaccines and the safety of vaccines…”
Who would have guessed that concerns about vaccine safety was even on the radar of health professionals prior to COVID? Not many people. This ignorance was largely due to the one sided, one size fits all type of messaging and marketing that’s surrounded vaccines for decades.
It’s common to hear about the benefits of certain vaccinations, but it seemed as if everybody was oblivious to the safety and efficacy concerns that were (and are) being raised by legitimate science.
Keep in mind, I’m not suggesting here that vaccinations have zero value. I’m suggesting that culturally we’ve never been allowed to address the problems openly and freely.
The fact that these concerns were (and still are) seldom addressed is discouraging. Instead, it was (and is) more common to hear terms like “anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist” as a common rebuttal to these concerns.
What concerns? The fact that injected aluminum does not exit the body, for example. Cells come to the injection site and take up this aluminum inside of them. It is then transported and lodged into various organs, and possibly passes the blood brain barrier where it can produce a disease.
Instead of more research looking into the implications of this, funding for research is cut off. We saw this when the world’s most eminent aluminum researcher, Dr. Christopher Exley, lost his funding for the concerns he discovered/published with aluminum containing vaccines. This was followed by a large character assassination campaign. Many childhood vaccines contain aluminum adjuvants.
What about concerns with COVID vaccines?
Or what about the fact that outbreaks of measles have been documented in highly vaccinated populations for decades? There are so many examples that it’s hard to source them all. You can view a couple of examples here and here.
How about the fact that 1 in 10,000 (0.01%) of natural measles cases are fatal, or that 75–92% of hospitalized measles cases are low in vitamin A? What about the fact that thousands of hospitalizations, disabilities and hundreds of deaths have been reported to injury systems as a result of the MMR vaccine?
What about lifetime immunity that’s acquired as a result of contracting the measles, and the other health benefits it provides to the immune system?
These are a few of many dozens of examples to consider. This is not to say that the MMR vaccine is not effective and useful. You could easily argue that it is, but there is also another side of the story that lacks conversation and nuance.
What About Now?
A new Angus Reid poll conducted at the end of last month suggests the number of parents opposed to vaccinating their children has grown over the last five years in Canada.
One in six parents of children under 18 said they are “really against” getting their kids vaccinated. That’s 17% of the parents polled earlier in February, compared to 4% of parents who held that view in 2019.
The proportion of parents who said they would vaccinate their children “without reservation” decreased from 88% in 2019 to 67%.
The poll also found that fewer people support mandatory childhood vaccinations now than five years ago. In 2019, 70% of Canadians polled agreed that vaccinations should be mandatory for a child to attend daycare or school. That percentage dropped to just 55% in 2024.
Although the poll did not specifically ask whether the push for COVID vaccinations affected people’s attitudes toward childhood vaccination overall, there is likely a connection.
COVID vaccines and the way they were marketed were being called out by thousands of physicians. One of the concerns was that the erroneous marketing of COVID vaccines would create more vaccine hesitancy in the future. It appears it has.
If you take away people’s ability to move around freely, make a living and demonize people for having reasonable questions, there’s going to be trouble.
“Public and political discourse quickly normalized stigma against people who remain unvaccinated, often woven into the tone and framing of media articles; for example, a popular news outlet compiled a list of “notable anti-vaxxers who have died from COVID-19” (Savulescu and Giubilini, 2021). Political leaders have singled out the unvaccinated, blaming them for: the continuation of the pandemic; stress on hospital capacity; the emergence of new variants; driving transmission to vaccinated individuals; and the necessity of ongoing lockdowns, masks, school closures and other restrictive measures.
Political rhetoric has descended into moralizing, scapegoating, blaming and condescending language using pejorative terms and actively promoting stigma and discrimination as tools to increase vaccination.
This has become socially acceptable among many vaccinated individuals and pro-vaccine groups as well as the public at large. The effect is to further polarize society – physically and psychologically – with limited discussion as to the reasons why people remain unvaccinated.“ – “The Unintended Consequences of COVID-19 Vaccine Policy: Why Mandates, Passports, and Segregated Lockdowns may cause more Harm than Good.”
Multiple international surveys around the world showed just how strong COVID vaccine hesitancy was, and these surveys did not account for those who were “forced” into vaccination under threat of losing their jobs, ability to travel etc.
Furthermore, limiting and preventing people’s ability to talk about these issues openly and freely (free speech) was taken away by the government and Big Tech organizations.
When you limit the ability for citizens speak freely, share their concerns and have dialogue simply because it goes against the grain, that’s also going to erode trust in public and government health authorities and institutions.
Loss of Trust
Loss of trust in public and government institutions, and major organizations like the World Health Organization is at an all time high. It’s so high and so recognizable that the World Economic Forum has labelled these times as the “Global Trust Recession.”
The world’s elite are scrambling to figure out how to rebuild trust in these institutions.
That being said, in their messaging they still point out the problem of “disinformation” and “fake news” while failing to address the fact that much of this disinformation and fake news came from governments and mainstream media.
Sure, there is a lot of actual fake news and disinformation out there too, but what we’ve seen in the past few years is very real critical information and discussion being thrown into the category of fake news and disinformation.
Organizations like the WHO and the World Economic Forum never seem to address nor acknowledge this, therefore they continue the cycle of trust being eroded.
During COVID, many of the world’s leading epidemiologists, doctors and scientists were labelled as “anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists.” I’ve mentioned this many times before. Many of these experts are still debating and creating awareness about lockdown issues, mask issues, and COVID vaccine issues.
Trust in these institutions and organizations will continue to fall, and it’s something that, in my opinion, can never really be recovered. It’s at the point where people are doing their own research and making their own decisions instead of relying on what used to be trusted government organizations.
This isn’t a problem, and actually represents a ‘growing up’ amongst the public. A journey into greater amounts of personal responsibility. It’s one small solution in a world that has become incredibly corrupt at the highest levels.
Free speech and independent thinking are no doubt a major threat to the world’s elite today, and it seems their only hope at this point is to shut down free speech and dialogue. Perhaps the only way to do that is to heavily regulate the internet even more so than what’s been done with “fact checking.”
They seem desperate and are scrambling to regain control over our thoughts, perceptions and feelings of certain issues.