Kaiser Permanente Reinstates Mask Mandates

Kaiser Permanente Reinstates Mask Mandates

It’s de ja vu all over again at Kaiser Permanente’s Santa Rosa, California, facilities, which have reinstituted mask mandates and COVID vaccination recommendations for their staff, patients and visitors.

The reasoning is that they’re detecting an uptick in patients testing positive for COVID-19. There’s been no increase in hospitalizations or intensive care admissions to back up the “need” for such strong measures, plus 99% of the cases KP is seeing are mild; they’re just “helping protect the health and safety of our patients, our workforce and our community,” according to a company statement.

This, even though in early 2023 a meta-analysis found that masking, even with N95s, did not protect against the virus any more than not wearing one.



The Press Democrat August 22, 2023

Fierce Healthcare February 9, 2023

Source: Original Article

Publish Date: 2023-08-23 17:18:41