It’s not just mRNA in those Covid Shots! Labs find vials contaminated with Plasmid DNA

It’s not just mRNA in those Covid Shots! Labs find vials contaminated with Plasmid DNA

It’s not just mRNA in those Covid Shots! Labs find vials contaminated with Plasmid DNA

 The blank package inserts of the mRNA Covid jabs left everyone guessing. What WAS in those vials? Kevin McKernan lifts the lid on the discovery of plasmid DNA in the jabs, and possible implications.


Written by World Council for Health Correspondent Alice Ashwell, PhD.

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A Shocking Discovery

Kevin McKernan is an expert in DNA and RNA sequencing, best known for his role as a team leader in the Human Genome Project.

In 2023, while investigating viral infection in cannabis plants, he happened to use mRNA vaccines as controls in an RNA sequencing experiment. He was shocked to find something completely unexpected: both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vials were contaminated with plasmid DNA.

Recognising the importance of their discovery, Kevin made the methodology and results available on a pre-print server so that other laboratories could replicate their work without having to wait for publication of the peer-reviewed article.

Since then, multiple laboratories around the world have corroborated their findings. There are also indications that vials containing higher concentrations of DNA are associated with adverse events.


The Big ‘Bait & Switch’

Other researchers had discovered that the vaccines used in the clinical trials were not the same as those rolled out to the public.

While the mRNA used in the trials had been produced in a relatively ‘clean’ process using PCR, mass-production used plasmids in E.coli bacteria to produce the DNA from which the mRNA was transcribed.

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(Source:; October 21, 2023;