Gamble! Bet! Bet on the biggest trend in America! And help save the economy!

Gamble! Bet! Bet on the biggest trend in America! And help save the economy!

Gamble! Bet! Bet on the biggest trend in America! And help save the economy!

 Once again, I support the downtrodden


I’ll get right to it.

Street crime is exploding in big cities all over America (and the world).

Since most authorities seem uninterested in stopping it, and some of them are actually encouraging and facilitating it…

We the people need to bet on it.


We now have huge online gambling companies. They can easily fold this innovation into their business.

There are three basic sports bets. Straight winners in head to head matchups (called money line), points spreads, and over/under.

So for example, assuming AI can be deployed to keep an honest count, you could bet on the number of shootings in a given week in Chicago.

The over/under line is set by the house, the gambling company, at 33. Do you bet there will more than 33 shootings? Fewer?

You can break this down into categories. Over/under for black on black shootings, or black on white. Shootings that wound; or kill.

You want to go head to head? This week, will there be more shootings in Chicago or Philadelphia? St. Louis or New Orleans?

For point spread, the house gives you Chicago favored over Philly by 7. That means you have to “give away” 7 shootings if you bet on Chicago. You get 7 added to your final score if you bet on Philly.

But then we have other categories of crime. Each type allows betting. Number of street muggings (with or without treatment at a local hospital). Number of store robberies. Number of jewelry store robberies. Number of elderly persons each injured by three or more assailants.

The list goes on. Number of home burglaries. Rapes. Assaults by illegal immigrants. Fatal stabbings.

We’re talking HUGE betting business here.

And it turns out—the more crooked prosecutors who fail to secure convictions, the bigger the crime rate, and therefore the bigger the betting industry.

Isn’t that something?

Here’s one of my major innovations. The gambling company donates a significant percentage of its profits to victims of street crime.

So it’s humanitarian.

Will those sizeable donations make up for the theft of property, the pain, suffering (and death) of innocents? Well, of course not. Although, in some demographics, e.g., high end fashion shops, the compensation might rival the loss.

But still. The INTENT is commendable.

Of course, as this trend in betting on crime really takes off and captures the imagination of the American people, you’re going to run into all sorts of folks who are rooting for more crime. Because they’re laying down money on it.

“Come on! I need six more murders in Chicago this week! What’s wrong with you people!”

“Daddy’s taking us to Disneyworld for a week! He won eight grand on murder in St. Louis!”

Suppose this sort of degradation has a limit? Perhaps a percentage of gamblers will actually stop short, think about what they’re doing, and develop some kind of moral conscience for the first time in their lives.

I wouldn’t bet on it, but you never know.


A cautionary note: We’re going to need an ironclad authority to make sure no law-enforcement officer or employee is permitted to make bets on crime.

Otherwise, these denizens will skew the crime rate in order to win money.

Yes, I know. This is will be a tough hill to climb. But if the total amount of money wagered on crime rises into the hundreds of billions of dollars (and it will), it’ll force the gambling industry to adopt all means necessary to ensure a clean playing field.

I believe this will result in the massive reentry (or escalation) of organized crime (mafia, cartels) in the legal betting business. They’re experts in threats, intimidation, use of force, and even murder to control commerce and keep it on track.

They only kill cheaters. I believe the American people can live with that.

Plus the mafia will have help. The FBI and the DOJ can focus their efforts on this burgeoning betting industry—keeping it honest—and turn away from approaching more than half the country as if they were racists.

“We, the American people, don’t want to kill black people,” a pundit writes in a New York Post op-ed piece. “We just want to bet on black people killing each other.”

Which, when you think about it, is the situation we have now.

Because judging from the numbers, police forces and DAs and black leaders are doing nothing to stop it.

In a very real sense, they’re already betting, and we know who and what they’re favoring.

So, enough bloviating and bullshit. Let’s all lay real money on the action.

—OR, if the MANY government officials who engage in preposterous hand-wringing over the massive crime rate in American cities wanted to tackle the problem and actually DO something about it…

They could start by making mass arrests of vicious gang members and prosecute them successfully under RICO (continuing criminal enterprise) statutes. And send them to prison for LONG terms.

Then they (the President) could send thousands of US troops to the southern border and shut it down—cutting off cartel ability to transport lethal fentanyl and other drugs and trafficked women and children into the US.

This action would make a huge dent in remaining US gang profits, since those gangs act as drug distributers for the cartels.

Then government officials would do a REAL investigation of US banks that launder cartel cash, prosecute the bank executives, and send them to prison for 40 or 50 years.

State and federal governments would mount a devastating public relations campaign, to educate the American people on the gang-cartel scourge that has been destroying American cities—countering the ongoing lunatic horseshit propaganda targeting cops as “the real problem.”

But of course, NO government officials with sufficient clout want to enact these solutions.

They only want the problem. They only want to make various kinds of political and financial hay from the problem; and use it to promote “white racism” and the associated diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda (AKA greater government control).

If THEY absolutely insist on making all this hay for themselves (and they do), WE ought to be able to make some for ourselves.

If we want to risk our dollars.


In the process, we’d shove the truth down the throats of government, and put it on full display for all to see.

I’m going with Chicago murders minus 7 over Philly murders this week.

How about you?

— Jon Rappoport

Episode 50 of Rappoport Podcasts—“The Individual vs. AI; The turning point for civilization; What will The Individual become?”—is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen to this podcast, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.

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By Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

(Source:; August 16, 2023;