Damani Bryant: Make no mistake

Damani Bryant: Make no mistake

Damani Bryant: Make no mistake

 By Cathy Jameson

Someone close to me sent me the link to a video that featured a young man named Demani Bryant Felder.  His opening statement was powerful:

“It appears that the new virus, or variant, is making its way to America yet again.

Make no mistake.

This is intentional. 

This is deliberate.”

I haven’t had too much time to keep up with the recent news cycle.  Prepping for the new school year has had me staying offline except for a few peeks at some social media sites.  When I got to scroll through some headlines, I saw one mention of the return of masks on one college campus.  By the time I had a chance to confirm that, I read that three more campuses brought masks back.  Felder mentions this news as well. 

If what this young man is saying is true, I know that I need to get back to reading more and to paying attention more. 

After his powerful opening statement, I wanted to listen to the rest of Felder’s thoughts.  Quickly, I could agree with what he shared about the 2020 lockdown in his video.  For those first few weeks, when we could sit alone with our thoughts, we could think about what was important without distractions – because everything else in the world stopped.  I remember writing about that time, appreciating the chance to slow down and to be home with my family.

When I remember questioning where things were headed when it was months later and we still hadn’t “flattened the curve”.  Others started to open their eyes, too. 

Felder brings up the fact that during those first few months of that lockdown people began asking questions.  For that, I will always be grateful.  I know several young mothers who finally connected the dots to other things that their doctors and their government were pushing on them and their children. 

Without the lockdown, some said they would still be beholden to the recommended vaccine schedule.

Felder ponders if the first lockdown was a beta test?  Mask mandates, social distancing, vaccine mandates – did complying to those mandates then help mask requirements resurface now?  Was it coincidentally timed with the previous election?  Is the timing of some of this latest virus/variant wave tied with the upcoming election?  Are people going to comply, or will people stand up and say no?  Felder asks questions so many of us here asked.  He makes points so many of us also made over the last three years.  He talks about a few other ‘in the news’ topics if you care to take a listen.  I’ve never heard of this young man before, but I like what I hear him saying.  For a long time, I’ve been hoping to see more people – including younger people, rise up.  Felder seems to be one of those people, and I appreciate that he is standing firm and bravely using his voice for good. 

View the Facebook video here.

Cathy Jameson is a Contributing Editor for Age of Autism.


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For the rest of this article please go to source link below.

(Source: ageofautism.com; August 27, 2023; https://tinyurl.com/2625hj9w)