Candidate Kennedy and The Really Big Lie About Autism

Candidate Kennedy and The Really Big Lie About Autism

Candidate Kennedy and The Really Big Lie About Autism

 Note: Robert Kennedy, Jr. has been a “friend of ours,” to use the vernacular, for more than a decade. We sat agog as he spoke about vaccine injury and the cover ups lead by Dr. Paul Offit at an Autism One Conference. (Who remembers?) That said, we can not and do not endorse candidates, because we are a non-profit. Also, we know that our readers span the full political spectrum, and bring valid, important points of view to our comments. I am actively looking for content from Ron DeSantis and other candidates to share with readers. Autism is so far down the list of topics I think the high price of crinoline underskirts is ranked higher.  This is a sin. Autism is going to wreak havoc on our political, financial, social and family systems as the epidemic rages and ages on. Cheerful, yes?


By Anne Dachel

Robert Kennedy, Jr. is a clear threat to the status quo in Washington and elsewhere. There are massive numbers of corporate leaders who don’t want Kennedy’s views made public. Most critical to lots of people is silencing what he has to say about vaccines and autism.

I don’t think it’s just a coincidence that there are endless articles currently in the news about events and places now declaring themselves “autism-friendly” or “sensory-friendly.”

Walmart has joined the growing list of stores, theaters and attractions that offer “sensory-friendly” back-to-school shopping hours for families with autism spectrum disorder or other “neurodivergent” conditions.

The Smithsonian Institution, along with the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City now provide sensory-friendly times.

AMC Theatres around the U.S. offer a regular schedule of sensory-friendly films. This year the White House held its first-ever sensory-friendly Easter Egg Roll.

In Corpus Christi, Texas a barbershop advertises “sensory-friendly services” for customers, much to the relief, we’re told, of autism parents. Cooper City, Florida and Killarney, Ireland announced they are officially “autism-friendly” cities. Many, many others are joining their ranks.

This is intentional. The ideal way to downplay autism is to dress it up as a normal condition that we’re finally accommodating, and that’s exactly what we’re seeing now more than ever.

OVER THE YEARS I’ve written dozens of times about what I call the REALLY BIG LIE ABOUT AUTISM, namely that there has been no increase in autism.

Whatever the current official rate, it’s the same across the population. It’s always been this prevalent. More kids with autism are always the result of greater awareness, better diagnosing.

That lie has to work. Everything depends on it.

IF autism has always been around, but either ignored or mislabeled, then a claim of link between autism and the ever-increasing childhood vaccination schedule can be dismissed.

It doesn’t matter how many studies by well-credentialed scientists we pile up showing massive amounts of damage from an unchecked, unsafe vaccine regiment, they can stack up lots more to show vaccines are safe for every child.

Many people want to believe the official research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Few parents want to consider that this agency is responsible for an epidemic of neurologically injured children.

August 10, 2023, the Anneberg Public Policy Center published a piece on the site entitled, What RFK Jr. Gets Wrong About Autism by Kate Yandell.

Yandell’s writing history shows she’s a strong defender of the safety of the COVID vaccine and the official COVID 19 protocol.

In her attack on Robert Kennedy, Jr. she focused on his views on vaccine and autism, Yandell dismissed any possibility of a link between vaccines and autism, but MOST OF ALL, she slammed the whole idea of an autism epidemic in the first place.

Yandell brought up the 2005 Rolling Stone article on the dangers of thimersoal use in vaccines which Kennedy wrote and which was subsequently retracted.

Yandell cited “multiple studies” disproving any link between mercury in vaccines and autism. She included Dr. Catherine Lord and others with impressive positions all denying vaccine damage.

Next she went on to assure us that all the autism we see in children today is nothing new. She wrote:

Autistic People Exist in All Generations, Despite What Kennedy Implies 

Researchers generally agree that increasing awareness of autism, expansions in its definition and the growing availability of services all have contributed to an increase in diagnosed cases in younger generations. While there may be some true increase in autism, the rise, if any, is less dramatic than it appears.

Yandell challenged the statement Kennedy made on Joe Rogan: I bet that you’ve never met anybody with full-blown autism your age. You know, head banging, football or helmet on, non-toilet-trained, nonverbal. I mean, I’ve never met anybody like that my age.

We were told autistic adults are out there, they’re just called something else, they just haven’t found them yet.

 There is no system set up to monitor autism prevalence in adults, according to CDC researchers….

Part of the increase in autism diagnoses in younger generations comes from a broader and more flexible list of symptoms that define autism. 

Yandell wrote about CDC researcher Thomas Verstraeten and how Kennedy misleadingly portrayed Verstraeten’s work

She denied a connection between the increase in the vaccine schedule and the explosion in autism.

Of course there are a number of things Yandell did not bring up in her piece, things like:

In 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act indemnified the vaccine makers from liability for vaccine injury which coincidently resulted in the tripling of the vaccine schedule.

In 1986 the late Dr. Bernadine Healy, former head of the National Institutes of Health, told CBS News that the science hadn’t been done on vaccines. No one had studied to see if a certain subgroup of children were susceptible to vaccine injury.

In 2008 we learned of the case of Hannah Poling where the federal government conceded that vaccines caused this child’s autism  and she was compensated.

In 2011 a study that found 83 cases of acknowledged vaccine-induced brain damage that included autism which was compensated by the clandestine federal Vaccine Court.

IF health authorities can spin the claim that all the autism is nothing new, that it’s natural condition like hair color and left handedness, then vaccines are in the clear.

They can’t deviate from the mantra. This denial of a real increase has been the response of health officials over the past two decades every time they announced an update on the autism rate. I wrote about it recently.

The Undeniable

There’s one thing Kate Yandell can’t do. She can’t explain why so many people have to be trained to deal with autistic people.

My website, Loss of Brain Trust, is proof that society everywhere is being overwhelmed by autism.

I would challenge her to tell us why teachers, first responders, police, librarians, even doctors are having to learn about autism. And since there has been a federal mandate to educate special needs children since 1975, why would teachers today not have a long history of teaching children with autism?

The same goes for everyone else involved with the public. We should all be used to people of all ages with autism.

Why are they building whole schools for autism? Why are there shortages of places for special needs students all over the U.K. and Ireland?

AND THE BIGGEST QUESTION OF ALL, why is there nothing after high school for young adults with autism?

This is the multi-billion dollar question.

Special education is provided up to age 21 in the U.S. In the U.K. it’s provided to age 25. The British government extended it to age 25 in 2014 because there weren’t programs for autistic adults.

IF autism has always been here, why aren’t there all kinds of services already in place for adults with autism, at all levels of disability? Why can’t young adults with autism go where young adults with autism have always gone? Surely we would have had to provide for them even if we didn’t call their condition autism.

Autism Speaks estimates that a million autistic individuals will leave school in the next decade in the U.S.

Autism Speaks lists these facts about people with autism:

An estimated 25-30 percent of people with autism are nonverbal or minimally verbal (fewer than 30 words or unable to use speech alone to communicate)

31% of children with ASD have an intellectual disability (intelligence quotient [IQ] <70) with significant challenges in daily function, 25% are in the borderline range (IQ 71–85). 

Nearly half of those with autism wander or bolt from safety.  

Nearly 28 percent of 8-year-olds with ASD have self-injurious behaviors. Head banging, arm biting and skin scratching are among the most common.

It’s hard to imagine how doctors, teachers and parents could have miss children with these limitations until recent decades.

Within the next few years, more and more autistic adults will age of special education programs around the country. Social services will have to deal with this flood of disabled Americans who will live long lives dependent on the taxpayers.

 I hope Kate Yandell is still writing for when that happens so she can tell us how we’re going to provide for them.

Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism.

### From Skyhorse Publishing

The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic

#1 Seller in Forensic Medicine

By Pierre Kory Dr. (Author), Jenna McCarthy (Author)

Big Pharma and health agencies cry, “Don’t take ivermectin!” A media storm follows. Why then, does the science say the opposite?” Ivermectin is a dirty word in the media. It doesn’t work. It’s a deadly horse dewormer. Prescribe or promote it and you’ll be called a right-wing quack, be banned from social media, or lose your license to practice medicine. And yet, entire countries wiped out the virus with it, and more than ninety-five studies now show it to be unequivocally effective in preventing and treating Covid-19. If it didn’t work, why was there a coordinated global campaign to cancel it? What’s the truth about this decades-old, Nobel Prize-winning medication? The War on Ivermectin is the personal and professional narrative of Dr. Pierre Kory and his crusade to recommend a safe, inexpensive, generic medicine as the key to ending the pandemic.

Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – Illustrated, August 15, 2023 by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Author), Brian Hooker (Author)

Based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each of these studies is analyzed and put in context of the difference in health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated infants, children, and adults. Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.



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(Source:; August 15, 2023;