Podcast: The Bird Flu Pandemic operation; what’s really going on?

Podcast: The Bird Flu Pandemic operation; what’s really going on?

Podcast: The Bird Flu Pandemic operation; what’s really going on?

 Flee to your underground bunker; Wear your mask while you shower and especially during sex


APR 08, 2024

As major media reports pile up about dangerous Bird Flu…

I’m going to cover this operation from the top, the bottom, and all sides and angles:

Listen now

The economic warfare.

The role and intent of the World Health Organization.

The destruction of huge numbers of animals. And how people are conditioned to expect this mass killing.

The silence of the “animal rights” organizations.

The government inspectors who inevitably find Bird Flu in animals.

The “second human case” of Bird Flu in history just discovered.

The development of a Bird Flu vaccine.

The mind control conditioning of the population by media and government; the method, how it works.

New potential levels of censorship.

The H5N1 virus that causes Bird Flu—but where is it? On the moon?

The rigged test for the virus.

Why do they like to pick a flu for “pandemics”?

The war against eating meat.

And of course medical tyranny—the best tyranny money can buy.

I’m going to cover all of this, at one time, in one place, here.

Don’t miss it.

— Jon Rappoport

(Rappoport Podcasts, Episode 063)

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The Hottest Takes on Culture and Health Politics

By Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

(Source: jonrappoport.substack.com; April 8, 2024; https://is.gd/Uvd8FE)