Possible upheaval on U.S. political stage

Possible upheaval on U.S. political stage

Possible upheaval on U.S. political stage

 Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., son of former Attorney General Bob Kennedy and nephew of President John Fritzgerald Kennedy, is running against incumbent Joe Biden for the Democratic Party’s 2024 presidential nomination.

Trump is currently beating Biden in the polls.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is an environmental lawyer, notably winning a groundbreaking lawsuit against Monsanto. He spearheaded a science-based indictment against Dr. Anthony Fauci and the pharmaceutical industry during the Covid pandemic [1].

Like Bernie Sanders in 2020, this left-wing figure, who has consistently stood up against the leaders of the woke Democratic Party, is trying to take it over the way that Jacksonian Donald Trump took over the Republican Party. The battle cry of Kennedy’s campaign will be the struggle against the corruption of institutions and against the power of transnational corporations.

He embodies a non-sectarian left, turned towards the Common Good.

In July 2021, Robert Kennedy Jr. participated in the ReAwaken America Tour, described by the press as a far-right Christian movement. He was photographed alongside General Michael Flynn and electoral strategist Roger Stone.

Republican Roger Stone, who participated in the campaigns of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and led that of Donald Trump, assures us that, whatever the differences between Trump and Kennedy (especially on weapons and abortion), a national unity candidacy of the two men would offer a solution in response to the country’s division and go a long way to preserving the integrity of the United States. For his part, Steve Bannon encouraged Robert Kennedy to throw his hat in the ring.


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[1The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Robert F. Kennedy, Skyhorse (2021).

(Source: voltairenet.org; April 23, 2023; https://www.voltairenet.org/article219192.html)