Inflammatory disease – implicated in so many conditions

Inflammatory disease – implicated in so many conditions

Inflammatory disease – implicated in so many conditions

We have heard a lot about inflammation in the media and how it is implicated in so many of the conditions that people are suffering from these days, but when we ask mainstream medical scientists they have little in the way of real answers for us – just management of symptoms while the patient gets sicker.

So, what about the inflammatory conditions like arthritis, bronchitis, colitis, conjunctivitis, etc.? There are literally dozens or even hundreds of conditions ending with the suffix -itis.

Whenever you hear of an “itis” it simply means “inflammation of the…” Sinusitis is inflammation of sinuses, bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi tubes of the lungs, appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, nephritis is inflammation of the kidney, dermatitis is inflammation of the skin, carditis is inflammation of the cardiac tissue, and what have you. I don’t need to bore you with a great big list.

It is my opinion that these are not actually different diseases but just different manifestations of the same disease. Revolutionary – I know! When you consider that colitis, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn’s are all just ways of saying your digestive system is inflamed– you might get my point.

But here’s the thing – they have to convince you that these are different diseases so they can keep up the big façade that illness is some great mystery and all medical science needs is another $100bn or two of tax-payer money to find a cure for your particular disease, which is very different from all the others, of course. The truth is actually quite simple. The causes of disease are simple. The symptom is complicated because it varies from person to person based upon their genetics, habits, personality, luck, predisposition, and who knows (race, astrological chart, blood group, etc.) there are so many factors. The causes of disease remain the same: deficiency, toxicity, disruption in energetic flow, chronic muscle tension, stress and moods, injury, social isolation. And the cures too: nutrition, hydration, oxygenation, detoxification, body work, restoration of energetic flow, stress management, time to heal, connection, etc. But who is selling that?

As Charlotte Gerson would say, “You cannot heal selectively, when the body heals – everything heals.” But where’s the grant money for that?

In my view all these symptoms arrive as a cause of tubes in trouble, in other words, because the blood, oxygen, water and nutritional flow to the cell is disturbed. That causes waste products to gather in your knuckles, for example, and you’re getting arthritis. Or maybe you have a nutritional deficiency because you don’t have enough collagen getting into the knuckles to rebuild your tissues. Or maybe you have chronic tension in your muscles which is restricting blood flow to the wrist. Or maybe you had an injury. The insanity is even though these are four different causes, the medical doctor will give all four arthritis patients the same treatment. And the irony is they claim to be providing the only scientific form of medicine. What’s scientific about that? Treating four patients who have similar symptoms but with four different causes with the same drugs?

This is why doctors don’t have any answers for anyone though, because they don’t understand the cause of disease and they are too sure of themselves to learn. They see symptoms as diseases, and sometimes have the power to make them go away while the patient gets sicker. But no answers.

I have spoken to and know of countless people who have reversed so-called “incurable” arthritis, which, according to medical science, was meant to get worse as they aged. They either fixed it with a detoxification program, or with a nutrition-based program, or a combination of both. I also have made friends who reversed “incurable” colitis. One of them told me his doctor would say to him, “Paul, how come you’re getting better and all my other patients are getting worse?” and he’d say, “That’s because I’m not taking your poisonous drugs doctor.” Ultimately his doctor told him (off the record of course,) “Paul, I support what you’re doing but I can’t recommend it to my other patients because I’m personally liable and could lose my medical license.”

I used to be so bashful talking about this stuff until I started to go to Mind, Body and Spirit Fares and spoke to the mature ladies there about their illnesses and hear the state of hopelessness their doctors had left them in. They left them with no hope, because they don’t understand what causes disease. But when I started to educate them about tubes in trouble their eyes lit up and because they could see the logic of what I was saying, they could also see a way out of their illness.

Once I was speaking to a woman I had treated for inflammation with my Brown’s Gas machine at one of these events. She was asking about Ashwagandha and I said that some people were taking it instead of antidepressants. She responded like, “Wow, I’m on antidepressants too!” and so I told her that I didn’t think her inflammation and her depression were two different diseases, but that they were different symptoms of the same disease, and if I was a betting man I’d guess it was her digestion, to which she replied: “That’ isn’t working either!”

Her friend would chide her in front of me saying, “I don’t take any drugs, but she takes a whole bunch of them,” and I had to explain to this friend that when people have disease symptoms that are affecting their lives they lose a lot of confidence, they don’t want to take drugs but they don’t feel they have any choice. She was so relieved to hear me explain her heart. But now she had something to go on, now she had a hope!

That’s when I knew it was my responsibility to get the information out and I couldn’t be too scared of someone saying I’m not a real doctor or a trained naturopath. What counted was that I had could help people that were hopeless feel like they finally had choice! If they wanted to go back to taking drugs, that was fine, it was up to them, but at least they’d know they had a choice!

So, it’s very important to understand that a lot of the conditions we are being told are diseases – and this may shock you – are not diseases at all but just descriptions of symptoms in Latin. If you went to the doctor and said, “Hey, Doc, I’ve got pain in my heart,” and he turned around to you and said, “Oh I know what that is – you’ve got pain and inflammation in the heart,” you’d look at him funny and wonder what he was smoking. But if he says you’ve got myocarditis…, well, hold on a minute here – wooooooh! Myo-carditis! It’s got a fancy name – it must describe an actual disease. Even though myocarditis just means pain and inflammation in the heart muscle, if you get my meaning. It’s the same thing, but in Latin.

Now it’s going to really piss some people off when I say this, but but fibromyalgia is not a disease. “Fibro” means fibrosis tissue. “Myo” is muscle. “Algia” is pain. Put them all together and you get: “pain in the muscle fiber.” The name is describing what the patient is experiencing, which is muscle pain. Pain is not a disease – it’s a symptom. As Kant astutely observed, “Physicians think they are doing something for you by labelling what you have as a disease.” If they actually named your symptoms in English you might ask, “Yeah, but what’s causing the pain? What’s causing the inflammation?” Then they’d have to actually admit that they don’t know, and all they can do for you with pharmaceutical science is to mitigate the symptoms while you get sicker. Maybe people would demand they do real medical science and learn how to treat you.

Hashimoto is a Japanese scientist. Lou Gehrig is a baseball player. None of these are diseases. Dr. Parkinson discovered the symptoms of shuffling gait, which we call festination, in 1902, and we label those symptoms after his name. They are just a bunch of symptoms. Some of them can be minimized using naturopathy, and for some of them it’s probably too late in most patients, but they can be arrested and prevented from getting worse. It does no benefit pretending that this a real condition rather than just a collective name for a bunch of different symptoms. When we get clear with people that they have a bunch of symptoms we can try and optimize the condition the body is in to give it the maximum chance of healing, reversing or arresting as many of them as we can.  But Parkinsons is not a disease. It’s a description of a complex of symptoms that were precipitated by accumulating stressors over a period of decades. Only once we understand and accept this principle will we be able to cure inflammatory disease – or any disease, as inflammation seems seems to be implicated in most conditions.

By Antony Sammeroff

Antony Sammeroff co-hosts the Scottish Liberty Podcast and has featured prominently on other libertarian themed shows including The Tom Woods Show, Lions of Liberty, School Sucks Podcast, and many more. His book Universal Basic Income — For and Against (with a foreword by Robert P. Murphy) is available in paperback and on Amazon Kindle. His previous self-help book Procrastination Annihilation is free to download from Antony blogs on economic issues at and his articles have also been published by the Scottish Libertarian Party, the Cobden Centre, The Backbencher, The Rational Rise, and

(Source:; September 10, 2024;