Could This Low-Impact Exercise Be the Key to Longevity?

Could This Low-Impact Exercise Be the Key to Longevity?

With May being National Bike Month, it’s the perfect time to explore the benefits of cycling. Brooks Boliek, a 65-year-old cyclist, calls biking his “longevity drug,” and research supports this claim, showing that cycling strengthens the immune system and extends lifespan.

A recent study found that regular cyclists are 21 percent less likely to develop osteoarthritis and knee pain compared to those who did not have a history of bicycling. Dr. Grace Lo of Baylor College of Medicine discusses how the study found people who cycled one hour per week were about 22 percent less likely to die prematurely.

Despite being an observational study, the findings correlate low-impact exercises with longevity.



NPR May 20, 2024

Source: Original Article

Publish Date: 2024-05-20 16:22:19