Prime Minister Johnson lets the cat out of the bag

Prime Minister Johnson lets the cat out of the bag

Prime Minister Johnson lets the cat out of the bag

 … the vaccine does not stop you catching Covid or spreading it 

Last Friday while speaking on Sky News and urging members of the public to get their third Covid vaccination the British Prime Minister let go a remarkable admission:

“…the double vaccination provides a lot of protection against serious illness and death but it doesn’t protect you against catching the disease, and it doesn’t protect you against passing it on.”

This does not explain why the government are taking a wrecking ball to the care-home sector by insisting all its employees are vaccinated, and are placing a National Health Service – already on it knees – under similar threat. Our original Covid lockdown in March 2020 was touted by the government as “Six weeks to save the NHS”  our hospital staff and care home staff hailed as heroes – they were indeed, and many  or most will have by now immunity by exposure to the disease: none of which goes to explain why they are being hung out to dry or trampled under foot by an opportunist political class. Equally, the rationale behind vaccine passports is negated.

On Johnson’s admission there is no scientific basis on which these actions are protecting the public: so who or what are they for? In the words of the excellent former BBC historian/journalist, Neil Oliver, “We are not stupid”.

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(Source:; October 27, 2021;