Nurses whistleblow on TGA spin doctors

Nurses whistleblow on TGA spin doctors

Nurses whistleblow on TGA spin doctors

 Over 70 Nurse have exposed what’s going on in Hospitals in mainly Victoria and New South Wales why are those taking the Experimental Gene Therapy inoculations have not open their eyes yet. 

This was explained from one Nurse which involves TGA and how they have implicated in how Doctors need to follow with anyone experiencing Experimental Gene Therapy Adverse Reactions that and more this is from the Nurses own words:

Whistleblower #0076
Medical Practitioner (Dr.) Former RN & Midwife.
Emergency Dept.
AHPRA verified 

I have been notified I will not be rostered for shifts because I have not provided evidence of first vax by 1/10, with 2nd due 1/11.

I previously worked briefly on a —- ward. After seeing multiple cases of stroke after both az and Pfizer, I questioned senior staff about reporting to TGA. I was told TGA has provided guidelines on what platelet count, fibrinogen, and d-dimer level they consider relevant when reporting adverse effects. Because of this, doctors were no longer reporting anything that didn’t match the TGA recommendation.

In the ED I have seen 5 cases of pulmonary embolism in patients under 30, 6 cases of pericarditis, 4 of myocarditis in patients from teenage to early 40s, multiple cardiac arrest, strokes and cases of anaphylaxis after these jabs. This is all in the past 8 weeks. Given I am one doctor out of approx 95 who cover 3 shifts daily, working only 4 days per week, in a —— rural hospital, I can’t imagine what the actual numbers are nation wide,

I can equivocally say that these are not being considered related. I feel that this is primarily because medical and nursing fields do not want to admit they have been deceived and this is more so since mandates for healthcare workers have been announced.

So much truth and Big Media will never expose this to the masses…

Source: Telegram,

By Editor, The Cairns News

One of the few patriots left who understands the system and how it has been totally subverted under every citizen’s nose. If we can help to turn it around we will, otherwise our children will have nothing. Our investigations show there is no ‘government’ of the people for the people of Australia. The removal of the Crown from Australian Parliaments, followed by the incorporation of Parliaments aided by the Australia Act 1987 has left us with corporate government with policies not laws, that apply only to members of political parties and the public service. There is no law, other than the Common Law. This fact will be borne out in the near future as numerous legal challenges in place now, come to a head soon.

(Source:; October 6, 2021;