Why your skin needs to see the sun WITHOUT sunscreen every day

 Why your skin needs to see the sun WITHOUT sunscreen every day

 Why your skin needs to see the sun WITHOUT sunscreen every day

 – experts have radically changed their rules for UV exposure and the risk of skin cancer – this is how it affects you


As summer approaches and the sun comes out, we all know the drill: slather on the sunscreen and seek shade at the hottest times of the day to prevent sunburn, wrinkles and, worse, skin cancer. Or is the drill set to change?

For there seems to be a shift in experts’ views on sun exposure as they acknowledge there are ­benefits to it: because as well as helping our skin make vitamin D, we also now know it improves our mental health, is good for our eyesight and helps regulate our body clocks, which in turn affects all our body functions. It may even directly lower our blood pressure.

For this reason, leading experts now think we should all be getting short bursts of sun exposure every day — without sunscreen.

The latest consensus among scientists is that a lack of sun causes more deaths than exposure itself

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(Source: dailymail.co.uk; April 9, 2024; https://is.gd/W7LdlM)