Struck by lightning! Near-death experiences increase coincidences, with Elizabeth Krohn

Struck by lightning! Near-death experiences increase coincidences, with Elizabeth Krohn

Struck by lightning! Near-death experiences increase coincidences, with Elizabeth Krohn

How one woman’s dramatic near-death experience changed her life and increased her synchronicity awareness.

Imagine a small bolt of lightning paralyzing you and then a huge bolt killing you. And yet you are still consciously aware. Join Elizabeth Krohn on her journey through two weeks in heaven and the incredible synchronicities that followed.

Elizabeth Krohn was a wife and mother of two young boys when she was struck by lightning in the parking lot of her Houston synagogue in 1988. Her most fundamental understandings of what the world is and how it works were completely transformed.

Before diving into Elizabeth’s remarkable story, I’ll share a synchronicity story of my own. I call this story “Dancing the Merry-Go-Round”:

I go to a dance group several times a week, and sometimes it really gets going. One of the best dancers there is named Misty, and we’ve started to dance together and get to know each other. Not long ago, Misty and I were dancing on a Sunday morning when she heard in the music the sound of a merry-go-round, with the horses going up and down and round and round. So we both pretended to hop on our horses and ride the carousel for a while. Then, Misty said, “Let’s get out of here,” so we both rode our horses off into the distance. It was a lot of fun. Later, when Misty got home, a friend of hers from California called her. Remember, California is three hours earlier that here where we are in Charlottesville, Virginia. Misty’s friend told her that that very morning, probably around the time we were riding our horses off into the distance, she had dreamt that Misty was riding on a carousel. And that was a lot of fun for me, because it meant that the person in California was picking up what Missy and I were doing. That kind of amazing connection is part of what synchronicity illustrates — that we are all connected in ways we are told we should not able to do.

My guest on this week’s podcast is Elizabeth Krohn. Elizabeth has coauthored a book, Changed in a Flash: One Woman’s Near-Death Experience and Why a Scholar Thinks It Empowers Us All with Jeffrey J. Kripal, and is a frequent guest on podcasts, radio shows, and in person discussing her extraordinary experience.

In November 2021, Elizabeth was announced as a winner in the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) essay contest. Her essay entitled “The Eternal Life of Consciousness” is being published into a book titled Eyewitness to the Afterlife: My Two Weeks in Heaven in the fall of 2023. Elizabeth now serves on the BICS Advisory Board. She and her husband live in Houston, Texas.

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Also, be sure to check out our full library coincidence podcasts and synchronicity podcasts here…by also using source link.

By Bernard Beitman MD

Bernie graduated from Mount Pleasant High School in Wilmington, Delaware in 1960 at #5 Grade Point Average. He majored in Chemistry at Swarthmore College and was one of two outstanding pre-medical students. He attended Yale Medical School graduating in 1964. He did his one-year general medicine internship at Mount Zion Medical Center in San Francisco and then completed the three-year psychiatric residency at Stanford in 1974 after working in the U.S Public Health Service Hospital in San Francisco from 1971-1973 as the hospital’s psychiatrist. He then joined the faculty of the department of psychiatry at the University of Washington in Seattle. After ten years there he was denied tenure and then joined the faculty at the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he became a world leader in the study of chest pain and panic disorder which led to his becoming chair of the psychiatry department. (A door closes, and a big window opens.) Building on his book The Structure of Individual Psychotherapy, he created the book Learning Psychotherapy which was taught to half the psychiatric residency training programs in the United States. In 2006 he started formal research into coincidences and then, in 2009, moved to Charlottesville, Virginia, to join the Division of Perceptual Studies of the University of Virginia, which supported his coincidence work as a non-paid faculty member. As a “recovering academic,” he led the development of The Coincidence Project. 

(Source:; September 19, 2023;