Nurturing generations: how a mother’s diet guards her grandchildren’s brains

Nurturing generations: how a mother’s diet guards her grandchildren’s brains

Nurturing generations: how a mother’s diet guards her grandchildren’s brains

In a ground breaking study conducted at Monash University, researchers have discovered a remarkable connection between a mother’s diet during early pregnancy and the long-term brain health of her children and even grandchildren. The study, published in Nature Cell Biology,  sheds light on the profound impact certain foods can have on protecting brain function and preventing neurodegeneration.

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By Lily Anderson

Lily Anderson is a passionate wordsmith and dedicated explorer of cutting-edge scientific inquiries. Fuelled by a thirst for knowledge, she skilfully transforms intricate ideas into relatable tales, inviting readers to embark on a captivating expedition of revelation. Lily’s efforts play a crucial role in bridging the gap between experts and the wider public, evoking a sense of awe and encouraging insightful discussions about groundbreaking scientific advancements.

(Source:; September 12, 2023;