Explaining Children’s Health Defense to Jack Schlossberg

Explaining Children's Health Defense to Jack Schlossberg

Explaining Children’s Health Defense to Jack Schlossberg

 Note: Katie Wright lets Robert Kennedy Jr.’s his cousin (who should be twice removed) Jack Schlossberg know just how she feels, as she educates him about his Uncle’s  Children’s Health Defense (he is on leave during his Presidential campaign), which Jack dismissively calls, along with his run for office, a “vanity project.” Speaking of vanity, if I were Schlossberg, I’d steer clear of shiny puddles. Of course HuffPo, which once published my work and so many of David Kirby’s science based looks at vaccine safety is proud to put this drivel out. Not sure why, but after reading this post, I have a strong image of Spalding from Caddyshack.

JFK’s Grandson Calls Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Campaign An ‘Embarrassment’

By Katie Wright

There he was, Jack Schlossberg, sitting in his car angrily and pedantically lecturing the viewer about how terrible a presidential candidate his uncle, Bobby Kennedy is. Instead, Schlossberg vigorously endorsed our current president, Joe Biden. Schlossberg so arrogant and insufferable in his delivery. This thirty year old man was so certain of his position based on his vast and extremely rarified years on the planet? For a second or two I was nauseous.

It is no exaggeration to say Jack Schlossberg may be among the most privileged human beings on planet earth. His mother, Caroline Kennedy is worth, roughly, half a billion dollars. Caroline’s mother, Jackie Kennedy-Onassis had an excellent divorce settlement and then invested her fortune wisely. Caroline is her mother’s sole heir.

Two older sisters and a sculptor/ artist Dad round out Jack’s nearly perfect family. Unlike his uncle, Jack has been fortunate to live a trauma free, orderly life filled with guidance and love from his older sisters and ever-present parents. Jack and his family blessed are with good health. They enjoy traveling all over the world., probably on a private plane They family owns approximately six residences and enjoys exotic vacations. Because his mother is Caroline Kennedy, Jack has been able to make the acquaintance of the most powerful and influential people all over the world.

Schlossberg is 30 years old. He is a double Harvard legacy like his mom and grandfather. Other than attending Harvard undergrad and law school he has had no meaningful career. He is single and freely travels the world engaging in his favorite adventure sports with friends.

 Jack seems ten years younger than his chronological age on his Instagram page. He’s more reminiscent of a high school kid than a thirty-year-old man. Schlossberg enjoys posting shirtless selfies, expresses wonderment at daylight saving time and extols the virtuoso talent of Lady Gaga!! Jack’s life is not all a bed of roses, however. Schlossberg bemoans how irritating it is for him to go out to eat so frequently. He doesn’t like menus or the choices available at restaurants. Yes, we all have our crosses to bear, Jack.

Before Harvard, Jack lived with his mother in Tokyo while she served as the ambassador to Japan. It is a plum ambassadorship for political favorites of the president. In Tokyo, Jack lived an ultra luxury lifestyle, akin to royalty. He also benefitted by meeting all the most important people in Asia.

Jack states angrily at his cell phone camera: “I have no idea why anyone would want to vote for this man (his uncle). It is just a vanity project!” Ahhhh….says the the man with the shirtless selfies.

So let me tell you about Children’s Health Defense, which Jack referred to as a “vanity project,” the springboard of RFJ, Jr.’s campaign.  It is an organization founded by parents of severely autistic people. Our kids must be watched every second of the day. Most are sick with IBD, epilepsy and or autoimmune problems. We don’t go on family vacations. Or if we can afford a vacation one parent stays home with autistic child and the other parent takes the other child or children.

The siblings of autistic kids often struggle with PTSD and depression. Watching a sibling scream, bang his hand or engage in self injurious manner (often involving blood as hair is ripped from the head) is traumatizing, even if such behavior becomes familiar. There have never been birthday parties or graduation parties at our home. The behavior of the autistic sibling too much of a wild card and or he is intolerable of noise and change.

Sounds like fun, right Jack? I bet you cannot wait to sign up to help us??? Well, your uncle did!

The vast majority of our kids developed typically as babies and toddlers. They met or exceeded all the milestones. My older son was crawling, talking, running, making sentences, engaging in pretend play, right on schedule….Then, our toddlers experienced catastrophic adverse vaccine reaction that that caused varying degrees of global brain damage.

While this was happening RFJ, Jr. was at the helm of his non-profit “Riverkeepers,” helping to clean America’s lakes and waterways. RFJ, Jr. was working hard on getting mercury out of fish. At this time autism moms approached him about our brain damaged kids, all injected with vaccines containing mercury. Ethyl or methyl, it makes no difference, some kids able to excrete it and some cannot. Ours cannot.

While a spoiled rich brat harangues us from Tesla (on the way back from a private plane no doubt!) about how great Biden is we all laughed. We laughed at his immaturity, his misplaced self-righteousness and his faith in a hopelessly corrupt president.

The Biden administration oversaw the biggest violation of American’s First Amendment Rights ever… He censored and deplatformed tens of thousands of Americans for expressing an opinion about his misguided and cruel Covid polices. Under Biden’s direction, the FBI spied on 278,000 Americans without a warrant, whose only crime was to share their adverse vaccine reaction story or question the efficacy of the Covid vaccine. The judge currently hearing a lawsuit against the Biden administration said that their “efforts at mass censorship just might be the biggest government violation of the First Amendment- ever.”

All Jack’s uncle wants is an open debate of these important issues. Lives are being needlessly destroyed. We should not have to settle for lousy vaccine safety and compromised public institutions. After some years in public service, masses of NIH and CDC personnel go right to work for pharma for triple their government salary. The conflicts of interest are extraordinary.

Right now Jack is celebrating passing his Bar exam. He is on an exciting international vacation (natch!!) with his mother, now the Ambassador to Australia. Caroline and Jack are exploring the Solomon Islands. In pictures released to the media, Jack and his Mom walk along a strikingly beautiful beach wearing leis around their necks. Who knows what wonderful adventure is next in store in the charmed life of Jack Schlossberg??

Speaking for myself, I have heard enough political rants from  this privileged and pompous young man to last a lifetime.


Carla Howell has had a passion for medical freedom since 1993. With a background in tech, marketing and management, she became politically active in 1996. She ran for office three times from 1998- 2002 and headed three statewide tax-cut ballot initiatives in Massachusetts from 2002-2010. She served as Political Director and Executive Director for the Libertarian National Committee and was Communications Director for the 2020 Jo Jorgensen for President campaign. In recent years, she has been releasing liberty-themed songs that she composed and recorded. She leads candidate training workshops and speaks publicly about liberty issues. She also volunteers for the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance, which advocates for parents being fully informed and having choice as to whether to vaccinate their children.

### From Skyhorse Publishing

The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic

#1 Seller in Forensic Medicine

By Pierre Kory Dr. (Author), Jenna McCarthy (Author)

Big Pharma and health agencies cry, “Don’t take ivermectin!” A media storm follows. Why then, does the science say the opposite?” Ivermectin is a dirty word in the media. It doesn’t work. It’s a deadly horse dewormer. Prescribe or promote it and you’ll be called a right-wing quack, be banned from social media, or lose your license to practice medicine. And yet, entire countries wiped out the virus with it, and more than ninety-five studies now show it to be unequivocally effective in preventing and treating Covid-19. If it didn’t work, why was there a coordinated global campaign to cancel it? What’s the truth about this decades-old, Nobel Prize-winning medication? The War on Ivermectin is the personal and professional narrative of Dr. Pierre Kory and his crusade to recommend a safe, inexpensive, generic medicine as the key to ending the pandemic.

Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – Illustrated, August 15, 2023 by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Author), Brian Hooker (Author)

Based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each of these studies is analyzed and put in context of the difference in health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated infants, children, and adults. Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.



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For the rest of this article please go to source link below.

(Source: ageofautism.com; August 7, 2023; https://tinyurl.com/278nr7p9)