A staggering mind control program in Florida

A staggering mind control program in Florida

A staggering mind control program in Florida

 And, RNA injected into mice at MIT

Jon Rappoport

The staggering ‘Diversity, Equity, Inclusion’ mind control program at the University of Florida; An entire bureaucracy; This is the future NOW; It has to be crushed

The University of Florida.

An entity in the State University System.

Endowment: $2.4 billion.

Annual budget: $6 billion.

Students: 56,000.

Staff: 14,800.


Christopher F. Rufo

exposes (see also here and here and here) the University of Florida Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) program and the details:

The HR department held a training to lecture employees about their “white privilege,” “white fragility,” and the “‘unearned advantages’ of whiteness.” As part of their “personal journey,” white employees were encouraged to confront their pathological whiteness.

They learned mantras from twelve-step programs for overcoming their whiteness, including Racists Anonymous: “I have come to admit that I am powerless over my addiction to racism”; “We admit our collective history is rooted in white supremacy.”

University of Florida has created a radical DEI bureaucracy that promotes racial preferences in faculty hiring, encourages white employees to engage with a 12-step program called Racists Anonymous, and maintains segregated scholarships that violate civil rights law.

Officially, the university has reported that it hosts 31 DEI initiatives at a cost of $5 million per year. But I have obtained internal documents via Sunshine Law requests revealing the stunning scope, scale, and radicalism of UF’s DEI bureaucracy, which is embedded everywhere.

In 2020, UF planned out a huge number of diversity initiatives, including mandatory diversity training, an entire year focused on “racism,” a presidential task force to explore the university’s racist past, and recommendations for banning “historic racist imagery.”

In 2021, the university moved to create a massive “DEI infrastructure” and deploy DEI cadres to each division, school, and college. The embedded cadres were tasked with administering loyalty surveys to test faculty and staff’s “commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

According to documents, UF has created 1,018 “DEI initiatives” and the ideology has penetrated nearly all of its divisions: 73 percent “have a DEI committee” and “DEI officer”; 70 percent “espoused commitment to DEI”; 53 percent “have a DEI strategic plan.”

The university encourages racial preferences in hiring, with favored practices including “specific formal training in [DEI],” advertising jobs through “DEI identity” groups, using an “equity specialist” for search committees, and engaging in race-based recruiting and benchmarks.

—end of Rufo statement—

He paints a picture of university infiltration on a massive scale.

It would be impossible to install such a program without key players in MANY key positions.

The rest of the university employees are scared sheep and willing foot soldiers.

—The 12-step program as overt mind control.

People surrender their will, power of choice, intelligence, and sign on as slaves waiting for orders from above.

As I’ve been writing for some time now, these programs have nothing to do with equality of opportunity or meritocracy. They’re about who holds the power.

The rulers and enforcers of the USSR and China would find the U of Florida structure quite familiar.

Tyrants form collectives. It hardly matters what the “subject matter” is. The whole point is subjugation.

At the U of Florida, no doubt there was a point, along the way, when supervisors, department heads, deans, executives, and boards thought: “Well, all this is somewhat troubling, but we can live with it. It’ll progress to a certain level and then stop. These people couldn’t be actually trying to take over the University.”

But these people were, and they did.

That’s always the way it is. People don’t rise up and squash the criminals. They wait. And then one day it’s too late.

The criminals rely on The Group. The force of The Group. Not the ideas. Not the philosophy. Not the logic. Not on anything sensible. The thoughts the criminals spout and the theories—those are just the cover. The root is group intimidation. The calculation is: “We have enough force to overwhelm the individual.”

It’s war.

The idiots and the cowards and the passive ones refuse to see this.

That tells you something about the awesome lack of integrity residing in these high-minded professors who teach at the university level.

They turn their eyes away as a mob grabs control.


What is happening at the U of Florida gives you a picture of an end-game. It’s not enough for white people to admit some level of guilt they’re not even guilty of. It’s not enough to bow down like ridiculous asses and ask for forgiveness from a bunch of criminals. No. The program demands a confession that “white racism” is beyond the ability of white people to shed. It’s baked in. Therefore, surrender to a higher power. Guess who that power is.

Can you imagine what actually goes on in some of these perverted 12-step sessions?

People lining up to be flagellated and to flagellate themselves.

Who wins the top prize? I’ll tell you who. Not the “confessing sinners.” It’s the sadists running the show. They win.

At a University that prides itself on intellectual achievement.

That’s the cherry on this cake of mold.

Some readers will imagine the program at the University of Florida is an atypical one-off. That’s hardly the case.

Nearly every large US university is somewhere along the path to its own version of a DEI mind control horror show.

The criminal infiltrators are encountering little resistance. Many of their victims mistakenly believe they can earn a pass by merely paying lip service to Critical Race Theory. That isn’t how the game works.

And what happens to academic curricula? Philosophy, literature, history are transformed into what? Something grotesque devoted to the destruction of philosophy, literature, and history.

So-called liberals say they love Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity.

It’s virtuous, they say.

It’s balancing the scales, they say.

It’s justice, they say.

As they make themselves easy prey.

Lambs for the slaughter.


Welcome to blue-sky RNA Nanotech promises/hopes

File under The Bullshit Culture of Public Relations Science, sub-section “we’re sure this is going to be great.”

MIT News:

Engineers at MIT and the University of Massachusetts Medical School have designed a new type of nanoparticle that can be administered to the lungs, where it can deliver messenger RNA encoding useful proteins.

With further development, these particles could offer an inhalable treatment for cystic fibrosis and other diseases of the lung, the researchers say.

“This is the first demonstration of highly efficient delivery of RNA to the lungs in mice. We are hopeful that it can be used to treat or repair a range of genetic diseases, including cystic fibrosis,” says Daniel Anderson, a professor in MIT’s Department of Chemical Engineering…

Now let’s take apart this tap dance on a make-believe cloud…

The nanoparticles force the lungs to produce useful proteins. Uh-huh. Let’s see a list of these proteins. And then let’s see the test results that prove the lungs ARE, in fact, producing each one of the proteins every time the nanoparticles are inserted.

Where is all that evidence?

And how many mice were there?

And where is the evidence no harm was done?

Because it turns out that SAYING something and PROVING something may be the work of two different departments.

These particles could treat diseases of the lung “with further development.” Uh-huh. How much further development? Because I can fly to Jupiter on gossamer wings with a whole lot of further development.

And this MIT research was carried out on the lungs of…mice? The last time I looked, mice were not humans. I’m going to go out on a limb and say there are many differences between mice and humans. Size, shape, dynamics, infrastructure, the ability to say or not say, for instance, “I feel like my lungs are on fire and they’re burning up fast. What was that you injected me with?”

These nanoparticles will someday be able to treat “genetic diseases?” You know, before you can call a disease genetic, you have to be able to treat it successfully with gene therapy. That’s right.

Otherwise, claiming the disease is genetic in origin is just speculation, a shot in the dark. For instance—and I know you don’t want to hear this—a malfunctioning gene you claim causes cancer could be, at best, an INTERMEDIATE cause, behind which lurks a toxic chemical the patient was exposed to. The chemical is shooting bullets into the gene.

Other than all that, the MIT announcement is perfect.

How much funding are you MIT boys looking for? You want me to write a check for…how much?

What are the odds I’m going to see a return on my investment? Or is this the sort of grant that doesn’t require significant results?

Send my attorney, Gloria Torquemada, a full prospectus and we’ll get back to you.


In a few years.


— Jon Rappoport

Episode 46 of Rappoport Podcasts — “The 2 Big Reasons Why Viruses Don’t Exist” — is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen to this podcast, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.

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By Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.