How to repair your heart from vaccine damage

How to repair your heart from vaccine damage

How to repair your heart from vaccine damage

 There have been a some peer reviewed papers recently published which provide clear evidence that certain dietary supplements can help in repairing and supporting cardiovascular and vascular health. Based on these data, it is reasonable to hypothesize that supplements shown to support heart and vascular health in this manner will provide benefit to those with damage done to the heart and arteries/veins by COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines and most likely will have benefit.

This topic comes out of a conversation that I had with Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Richard Urso around the kitchen table one night a few months ago in Tennessee, when we were providing testimony to the Tennessee legislature on natural immunity. We were discussing damage done to the heart and vessels by COVID-19 as well as the vaccines, and what types of interventions or treatments can be done to help alleviate this damage. Jill mentioned supplements and all involved shared some very pragmatic ideas on the subject, a discussion that lasted well into the night.

In this Substack, I am writing to the many people with COVID-19 and vaccine damage – as well as older people and all the people that support them who have asked me the following question again and again.

“What can we do to alleviate damage from the jab and long COVID?”

So, if this isn’t you and you aren’t interested – feel free to stop reading now.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.

(Source:; March 14, 2023;