Monthly Archives: November, 2021

COVID concentration camps for Australians; it’s happening

COVID concentration camps for Australians; it’s happening  ... editors note: There are many uncomfirmed reports currently circulating concerning indigenous communities, the NT Government and...

A rather tiny, ‘very rare’ toothless dinosaur was just discovered in Brazil

A rather tiny, 'very rare' toothless dinosaur was just discovered in Brazil Paleoart of Berthasaura leopoldinaeRemains of a toothless, two-legged dinosaur species that lived...

Massive aerial elephant survey is critical for conservation

Massive aerial elephant survey is critical for conservation The area is home to more than half of the remaining endangered savanna elephantsA huge aerial...

‘Dancing molecules’ successfully repair severe spinal cord injuries

‘Dancing molecules’ successfully repair severe spinal cord injuries After single injection, paralyzed animals regained ability to walk within four weeksSource:Northwestern UniversitySummary:Researchers have developed an...

A pandemic of the vaccinated

A pandemic of the vaccinated And to keep the REAL pandemic going, we must have vaccine mandates and passports and crackdowns on the unvaccinatedby...

They live amongst us: anatomy of a cult

They live amongst us: anatomy of a cult Despite a preponderance of the evidence proving COVID to be a non-event for most of us,...

Finally! Medical proof the Covid jab is “murder”

Finally! Medical proof the Covid jab is “murder”  It’s the 22nd November 2021 and this is the moment when the jabbing has to stop. A...

If you like heart problems, you’ll love the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines

If you like heart problems, you'll love the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines  So says a report on almost 600 patients presented last week...

Latest news

The hidden agendas behind the rise of plant-based fake meats

The hidden agendas behind the rise of plant-based fake meats Recently, we’ve seen the unelected globalists pushing for lab-grown...
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Vitamin D3 Versus D2

Story at-a-glance Contrary to popular belief, vitamin D2, derived from plants, and D3, from animal products, do not have...

Security Expert Gavin de Becker Describes the Gift of Fear

Story at-a-glance Gavin de Becker is one of the leading security resource experts in the world; his private security...

Must read

The hidden agendas behind the rise of plant-based fake meats

The hidden agendas behind the rise of plant-based...

Vitamin D3 Versus D2

Story at-a-glance Contrary to popular belief, vitamin D2, derived...